Friday, August 28, 2009


Last night, at a baby shower, we were telling stories of funny things that happened during our labor/delivery, or funny prenancy or "mommy" stories. I hadn't thought of this in a long time, and even retelling it, made me laugh so hard I almost cried. I think I was a little embarrassed, but it was so funny to me. I had to write it down so that I wouldn't forget again.

When RC was only 6 months old, he had to get on a preventative prescription because he had been exposed to another child who had whooping cough. Once we got the prescription filled, I was reading all of the information for it, and noticed that "if you are breastfeeding, do not take this medication." So, I immediately called RC's pediatrician and told the nurse that RC was a breast-fed baby and should he be taking that medication?!

It took me a while to realize my mistake, and it even took the nurse asking me, "Now, who is taking the medication?" Duh! RC was a breast-fed baby, but HE wasn't doing the breast-feeding!! And I certainly wasn't the one taking the medication. Oh, dear. I hope the nurses got a good laugh out of that one!

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